Tag Archives: Chappaqua Real Estate

Chappaqua Real Estate

Four in Five Mortgages Seen Failing QM Rule | Chappaqua Real Estate

Only about 20 percent of today’s mortgage applications will pass muster with the new QM rule that takes effect January 10, according to a leading software platform used by lenders to comply with the Dodd-Frank Act and other federal rules and regulations covering mortgage lending.

The platform, ComplianceEase, analyzed the effects that the QM rules will have on current mortgage loans , finding that more than one in five loans originated today would not qualify for the QM Safe Harbor. Specifically:

  • More than half of such loans have fees that exceed the new 3% points and fees threshold;
  • Loans with fees that exceed the 3% threshold typically exceed it by nearly $1,500; and
  • The rest have APRs that are too high to qualify for the safe harbor classification.

Loans that fail to comply with the QM rule will not be eligible for purchase, insurance or guarantee by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) or government agencies. Moreover, due to lack of marketability, lenders generally try to avoid originating loans known as “high-cost” loans, which are subject to restrictions in the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA).

With new, stricter points and fees thresholds in the amended HOEPA, close to 3% of loans in the study that previously weren’t HOEPA loans would move into the federal “high-cost” category. On average, those loans would exceed the new HOEPA points and fees threshold by more than $1,000.

“We simulated current lending patterns under the forthcoming rules. The results have given us a good idea of the impact that the new rules and, in particular, the new thresholds will have when January comes around,” said Jason Roth, CMT, senior vice president of Product Development at ComplianceEase.

As part of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is implementing broad regulatory changes to require that mortgage lenders verify that borrowers have the ability to repay their loans.  The QM designation offers an alternative to those provisions in exchange for tighter limits on fees, APR, and other terms of the loan. Starting in January, loans that aren’t eligible for purchase, insurance, or guarantee by GSEs or government agencies must also comply with new underwriting standards.

Whether a loan is originated according to QM rules or the ability-to-repay provisions of Dodd-Frank, compliance requirements are both comprehensive and challenging. Lenders are especially concerned about non-compliance with the new rules because legal liability can potentially be assigned to their institutions and any secondary investors or servicers for the life of a loan.  In all cases, lenders will need to retain detailed records of their process and their data to substantiate their findings, making technology a must in order to stay in compliance.





5 Big Reasons Why You Should Consider Google Plus Marketing | Chappaqua Realtor

It snuck up so quietly that a lot of people didn’t even realize it was  happening.

One minute you could post a comment on YouTube just by logging into your  YouTube account, and the next you’re being asked to sign in through your Gmail  or Google+ account. The same goes for Zagat and other Google owned digital web  assets.

Google+ may not have caught on with users as a Facebook alternative yet, but  the service’s “Plus 1” symbol is ubiquitous within social marketing,  and top name brands are commonly listing the Google+ icon on television ads  right next to their Facebook and Twitter symbols. Whether you like it or not,  Google+ is quickly becoming a significant player in the social media marketing  world because it has one thing going for it that no other social site has:  Google.

Google plus is now the second largest social media network behind Facebook and can  no longer be ignored.

So Google plus marketing needs to taken seriously in your marketing  strategy.

Reason #1.  Search

Google’s approach for Google+ has been to seek success through visibility.  Because of this, Google is constantly launching new applications that integrate  Google+ with search results. A search for information about the election of Pope  Francis in March 2013, for example, shows several Google+ post results from  TIME, NBC and CTV, as well as author posts with images of the Google+ registered  author catching the eye of the casual searcher.

For Google+ users, as long as you share blog posts with relevant, new  (un-copied) information on a regular basis, you are that much more likely to be  pushed up through the ranks of search results.

Google Plus marketing

As with any search engine, keywords are a big factor in these results. How  can you push your Google+ page up in search results?

  • Post on a regular basis using relevant keywords in your text, but also  integrate those keywords in other aspects of your Google+ page, such as in the “about” and “video” sections.
  • Linking back to your own website where possible also improves your Google+  and personal website optimization.
  • Creating a Google authorship for you and your most frequent posters helps  your posts appear higher in search results, with the bonus of a personal author  photo.

Reason #2. Google Authorship

There’s something about being able to look people in the eye that makes the  advice or information you receive from them more reliable. But when you can’t  look them in the eye, seeing a picture makes them seem a little more reliable  and trustworthy. That’s the basic psychology behind Google+ authorship.




Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2013/10/14/5-reasons-why-you-should-consider-google-plus-marketing/#HShJharmsiTdu4bF.99

Town Board Seeks Chappaqua Crossing Findings Statement Feedback | Chappaqua Real Estate

With the much anticipated draft findings statement for the Chappaqua Crossing retail plan now available to the public online, the New Castle Town Board will wait at least another week before putting it to a vote.

The board said in its Wednesday, Oct. 16 public meeting that dialogue regarding the document would continue in its Oct. 22 meeting.

The board told residents in an Oct. 8 town board work session that it would release the findings statements at least 48 hours before possibly making a decision on it on Oct. 16. The statement was not released until Oct. 15, however, leaving both board members and residents needing more time to digest the document, which outlines the mitigation measures needed to support Summit/Greenfield’s 120,000-sqaure feet retail-grocery store proposal.

“We said you would have 48 hours – we’re giving you more than that,” Town Supervisor Susan Carpenter said. “The board is going through the statement and we’ll continue to make changes to it. We’re open to taking useful statements and are happy to take suggestions.”

Though Oct. 22 is the next time the board will discuss the Chappaqua Crossing findings statement, a vote on that date is not likely. Councilman John Buckley will be on vacation and Councilwoman Elise Kessler Mottel has removed herself from all Chappaqua Crossing ordeals. That would leave only Carpenter and councilmen Jason Chapin and Robin Stout available to vote on the document next Tuesday.

“Next Tuesday would be the time to finalize the findings statement,” Stout said. “But we’re not suggesting there will be a vote. My guess is there will still be loose ends and not be a vote that night.”

However, when resident Michael Nolan asked the board to guarantee there would not be a vote on Oct. 22, Carpenter left the door open for all possibilities.

“It would be a vote a vote without John,” she said.

Several residents used public comment time in Wednesday night’s meeting to rehash common concerns surrounding the project, including traffic and its impact on surrounding neighborhoods. There is also a growing sentiment among residents that voting before the Nov. 5 election would be doing the town an injustice.

Stout shot down misconceptions that the board is ignoring residents who are pleading with the board to hold off on making decisions anytime in the near future.

“There is a difference between not listening and not agreeing,” he said. “I am not agreeing. I see this possibility (the Chappaqua Crossing retail plan) as something that can be a substantial benefit to the town.”





Teatown Lake Reservation News | Chappaqua Real Estate

Teatown Lake Reservation
October 17, 2013                                                                                     Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on PinterestView our videos on YouTube
Visit Teatown

1600 Spring Valley Road
Ossining, NY 10562
Nature Center hours:
9:00am-5:00pm everyday
Trails are open 365 days a year from dawn to dusk.

Teatown Lake Reservation’s mission is to conserve open space and to educate and involve the regional community
in order to sustain the diversity of wildlife, plants and habitats for future generations.

Your donation can make

an immediate impact to help

conserve and protect the

diversity of wildlife, plants

and habitats…

today and into the future.


Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on PinterestView our videos on YouTube
In Teatown’s Gallery
Coming Soon!

Natural Light
Teatown Area Photographs by
Berl Brechner October 19- December 31

Berl Brechner, an area resident for over 35 years, presents 30 scenes from nearby that he has captured,  most of them from trails, nooks and crannies of Teatown Lake Reservation. Much of the exhibit has been created with a relatively simple digital camera, with special attention to form and light.  All photographs are for sale, and all proceeds will be donated to Teatown Lake Reservation.
Camp Alumni Reunion

We had a blast catching up with camp alumni at the reunion this past Sunday.

It was a beautiful day, there was delicious food and drink and Two Dollar Goat performed! Thanks to all of those who shared in the festivities

Teatown’s Boardwalk Gets New Use

A retired section of boardwalk from Teatown Lake Reservation gets a new use at the Peabody Preserve Outdoor Classroom in Sleepy Hollow. Many people are familiar with the soccer field located on
Rte 9A but they may not know it is connected to a 37 acre property that extends to the Hudson River. Teachers, administrators, parents and volunteers have worked to build a trail system to create an outdoor classroom for Tarrytown School District children.

Teatown educators have met with 3rd grade teachers to discuss ways that the Peabody Preserve can best be used to enhance the science curriculum.  Teatown will be visiting Washington Irving school in December with our Hudson Valley wildlife program to reinforce their learning and allow them to see some of the animals up close and personal that inhabit the Peabody Preserve.

Here is a link to more information about the project:


All programs require pre-registration. 

To register call 914-762-2912 x 110

unless otherwise noted.

Click here for more of Teatown’s upcoming programs.


Tech After Hours
October 19 & 26, November 2 & 9, 9:00am- 1:00pm
A special weekend series for teens, called “Ecology,” for those interested in working in environmental science is being offered by Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES and is being held at Teatown. In this course, learn and participate in hands-on exploration of several ecosystems including lake, stream and forest. The course will build students’ knowledge of science research and give them an opportunity to explore and learn about the field of ecology

Ages 12- 15.


Register here 

If you have questions, contact Gerry Battista, School Counselor, at The Tech Center. 914-248-2220.

The Nature of Poetry with Bhisham Bherwani 
Sunday, October 20, 1:00pm – 5:00pm

Presented in collaboration with the Hudson Valley Writers’ Center. Participants will be prompted to identify their own experiences with, and insights into, nature and to apply these in their own poems. The session will start with an exploration of Teatown’s trails led by an expert Teatown guide. Bring a notebook, pen, and sturdy shoes! Please note, this program takes place at Cliffdale Farm, Teatown Road, Croton-on-Hudson. Adults only.


To register, contact the Hudson Valley Writers’ Center at 914-332-5953 or click here.


Through October 29
Jacob Burns Film Center

Wings of Life

Sunday, October 20, 12:00pm

Family Film! A close-up look at a very special group of superheroes: the pollinators! Narrated by Meryl Streep, Wings of Life reveals the complex worlds of bees, butterflies, birds, bats- and the plants that rely on them.


Art Workshop for Kids: After the film, teaching artist Mary Jane Nusbaum guides kids (ages 5+) in an eco-art project in the Jane Peck Gallery.

Fall and Winter Thursday, October 24, 7:30pm


Matt Anderson spent five years driving across the US searching for answers to the country’s ecological and other problems- and was stunned to find many creative people devising ingenious new strategies for the future. With breathtaking images, Fall and Winter is a hypnotic, disquieting voyage into our contemporary crisis that also charts a way out again.


Click here for more details about the series.

This series is presented by Jacob Burns Film Center in partnership with Teatown Lake Reservation and Scenic Hudson and made possible through generous support from the Hoch family and the van Hengel Family Fund.


Teatown Members may purchase tickets for any of the films in this series at the JBFC member price.
Reap the rewards of being a Teatown Member!
Join today at  teatown.org
Earth Art After School

October 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 3:30- 5:30pm
Kathryn W. Davis RiverWalk Center,
Kingsland Point Park, Sleepy Hollow
Children recharge after school while exploring the Hudson River and its shores with wonder, shared discovery and creative expression time. In this Nature, Art and Science program, children are encouraged to develop observation skills, create art with natural materials, and learn about native
plants and animals. Through art, they learn creative problem solving skills and enjoy teamwork with new friends. Ages 8- 12.
To register contact Strawtown Studio at (845) 558-0877, strawtownstudio@gmail.com or online at strawtownstudio.com

Art Exhibition
On display through October 26, 2013

Teatown Participates in App for Ossining 3D Walking Tour:



A walking tour app for the art exhibition, Ossining 3D, is now live and available free of charge at the iTunes app store-click here.  When you download the app you will find audio recordings for each of the artists who donated sculptures for the exhibit.  At the end of the walking tour you will see a link to an audio about Teatown with directions to our preserve.

Bob Hope’s 1939 Toluca Lake ‘dream house’ is for sale | Chappaqua NY Real Estate

Richard Nixon’s helicopter once landed on the back lawn so the president could play a round at the nearby Lakeside Golf Club. Lucille Ball and Jack Benny drank and gossiped at the holiday parties in the living room. And the homeowner, Bob Hope, tried out punch lines on his kids in the dining room.

For the first time since the long-lived entertainer built his home in a San Fernando Valley walnut grove in 1939, Hope’s 5.16-acre Toluca Lake estate will go on the market Monday, at an asking price of $27.5 million.

The compound that Hope shared with his wife, Dolores, and their four children has a nearly 15,000-square-foot house, a golf hole, an indoor pool and a manicured rose garden. The flat, sprawling lot is unusual for the upscale neighborhood and others like it; in Toluca Lake and similar ZIP Codes in Sherman Oaks, Encino, Studio City, Bel-Air, Holmby Hills and Beverly Hills, there are only 22 properties of more than five acres that belong to a single owner, according to a property search conducted by the estate.

The comedian and movie star collected real estate and at one point was one of California’s largest individual property owners, holding some 10,000 acres in the San Fernando Valley alone. But it was the house at 10346 Moorpark St. that he considered home, according to his daughter, Linda Hope, who still lives a few blocks away.

“The Moorpark house is a very special property in the Valley and something that meant a whole lot to my mother and dad,” she said. “They built what for them was kind of a dream house.”

The sale will mark a major change in the neighborhood that the Hopes helped to shape.

The home, which is listed with Jade Mills of Coldwell Banker and Drew Fenton of Hilton & Hyland, has grown and evolved over the years. Architect Robert Finkelhor designed the original English traditional-style main house, and in the 1950s, John Elgin Woolf renovated it in a more contemporary style, using glass to accommodate Dolores’ desire to bring the expansive feeling of the grounds inside.




Euro Zone Sees House Prices Rise | Chappaqua NY Homes

Euro-zone house prices rose slightly in the three months to June, the European statistical agency Eurostat said on Thursday, in another indication that the currency area’s economy is slowly mending.

Separate national figures released since June suggest the rise may have continued in recent months, with Dutch and Irish prices rising in July and August. Eurostat has only recently begun issuing the euro-zone data on housing prices.

House prices across the 17-country euro zone were 0.3% higher in the second quarter of this year compared with the first three months, although they were still 2.2% lower than in the second quarter of 2012. The quarterly gain was the first since the second quarter of 2012, when prices rose 0.1%.

House prices in the euro zone are still 5.5% below the peak reached five years ago, according to Eurostat. Home prices plummeted in some countries as the impact of the 2008’s global financial crisis caused banks to reduce mortgage lending and many people lost their jobs. Now, with the economy emerging from an 18-month-long recession in the second quarter, conditions are beginning to change.

“The economies which are showing reasonable strength at the moment are beginning to see their housing markets improve,” said Professor Michael Ball, housing expert and professor of urban and property economics at Henley Business School at Reading University in the U.K. “There is evidence of economic growth, rising jobs and mortgage availability is quite good, and above all mortgage interest rates remain quite low.”

Rising house prices make homeowners feel wealthier and more willing to spend. They also reduce the risk that banks will suffer losses on their mortgage loans.

Nevertheless Mr. Ball advocated caution. “One quarter of rising prices doesn’t make a boom, and in real terms prices are still falling in many countries,” he said.








Joy of Joys, Another Versailles Knock-Off Hits the Market | Chappaqua Real Estate

Southern California may very well be the land rich in ugly faux châteaux, but sometimes a wonder of gold patina, green marble, and redundant crystal pops up elsewhere on this continent. Indeed, most of North America’s Versailles knock-offs—whether it’s ill-fated, 90,000-square-foot behemoths in Florida or $30M mansions in Kentucky—are found outside the bloated McMansion hotspots. On the market in the Toronto area is this gold-plated Château de Versailles, with six bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, 24,000 square feet, and more frescoes, chandeliers, and sculpted busts than anyone can handle. Though, to be completely honest, that pool is ridiculously cool. The ask? $17M.

Free Flu Shots For Westchester Residents Will Be Offered At County Center | Chappaqua Real Estate

The Westchester County Department of Health will offer free flu shots to residents at the Westchester County Center in White Plains on Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The county has 500 doses of the flu vaccination that it can give to anyone over the age of 9. Since there is a limited number, residents are asked to register by clicking here or by calling (914) 995-7425.

“It’s important for everyone 6 months and older to get a flu shot every year,”  Health Commissioner Sherlita Amler, MD said in a statement. “A flu shot now will provide protection throughout flu season, which can last well into the spring. It’s also equally important to wash your hands frequently, to avoid sick people and to stay home when you are sick.”

The Westchester County Center is located at 198 Central Avenue in White Plains.







How to Grow Your Business Network With Social Media | Chappaqua NY Realtor

Is your business or company struggling to find new customers?

Do you know how to build your business network on social media?

Before you can sell, you have to create a trusted relationship with your future customer.

In this article, you’ll discover four ways to use social media to find and establish relationships with new prospects and leads for your business.

#1: Join a Conversation on Twitter

Tweet chats are great for person-to-person networking on Twitter and they can act as one of the single best lead generation tools in social media.

You can consult a number of lists to quickly locate chats that are relevant to you. These lists include hashtags and other key information like date, time and the name of the host or owner of the chat.

A tweet chat example.

The best thing about tweet chats is that while almost everyone starts out a stranger, over time the participants begin to know one another and develop relationships that extend beyond the regularly scheduled chat.

During the chat, you’ll find people who ask questions you can answer. Your replies will be limited to 140 characters, so they’ll need to be as concise as possible. Use the opportunity to let participants know you’re open to accepting a follow and a direct message from them and carrying the conversation further by phone or on another platform.

#2: Participate in LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups hold a lot of opportunity for networking with people who fit your prospect profile.

There’s an easy way to find the groups you are interested in. Hover on Interests in the header navigation and click on Groups. From here, click on More>> in the Groups You May Like box.

From here, use keywords specific to your industry to search for and find groups relevant to your business. You can filter your search results by Relationship, Categories and Languages.


New Castle Group Hosts Meeting On Coyote Safety | Chappaqua Real Estate

Team New Castle 2013 will hold a meeting to discuss coyote safety on Thursday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m at Horace Greeley High School.

James Horton of QualityPro Pest and Wildlife Services will discuss different methods of maintaining coyote’s fear of humans, such as hazing. Effective forms of hazing include using a noisemaker such as an air horn when confronted with a coyote.

Horton was the licensed wildlife control expert hired by Rye Brook after a coyote attacked two children, a 2-year-old and a 14-year-old.

Nearby towns such as Rye Brook, Rye, New Rochelle,  Danbury, Conn. and Brookline, Mass. have become proactive, hiring trappers to trap coyotes.

The first 100 guests will receive a free air horn necklace.

Horace Greely High School is at 70 Roaring Brook Rd in Chappaqua.

