Tag Archives: Chappaqua NY Real Estate
3 Easy Steps to Engaging Your Customers | Chappaqua Realtor
Buy Android Tablet For $20 | Chappaqua Real Estate
Case Shiller and FHFA Housing Data | Chappaqua NY Real Estate
5 Tips for Effectively Managing a LinkedIn Group | Chappaqua NY Realtor
Out-of-sync mortgage laws create housing recovery hurdle | Chappaqua NY Homes
After Nearly Three Years, Negative Equity Refuses to Budge | Chappaqua NY Real Estate
As the nation’s real estate economy has evolved and slowly improved over the past two and a half years, the geography of almost every leading metric measuring the health of local housing markets has changed to reflect local economic trends and conditions except the one that many economists and policy makers consider to be critical to the national economic recovery.
Even though 1.3 million homeowners have reached positive equity since the end of last year and the national percentage of homeowners who owe more on their homes than they are worth declined from 24.1 to 23.7 percent in the second quarter (see One Homeowner Out of Eight Undervalues Their Home), the same eight states account for two out of three underwater mortgages in the nation.
California, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Georgia accounted for 67 percent of all underwater mortgages in the fourth quarter of 2009. In the second quarter of 2012, those eight states were still home to 67 percent of underwater mortgages, though the total number of underwater mortgages declined from 11,321,676 to 10,746,556, according to an analysis of CoreLogic data. The eight states accounted for 42 to 42.5 percent of the nation’s mortgages during that period.
Negative equity contributes to high rates of mortgage defaults, reduced demand for home purchases
The stubborn concentration of negative equity in a minority of states over nearly three years suggests that the impact of negative equity is felt much more at a regional or local level and that causes may be more local or regional in nature than national, even
The importance of housing debt to the national economy was the subject of a report in the Washington Post yesterday regarding a 2011 White House meeting where several leading economists urged the Administration to take additional steps to reduce housing debt. The economist argued that huge debts resulting from declining home values caused consumers to cut back dramatically on buying cars, appliances, furniture and groceries. The more they owed, the less they spent, whereas people with little debt hardly slowed spending at all. The economists said the president could have significantly accelerated the slow economic recovery if he had better addressed the overhang of mortgage debt left when housing prices collapsed..
In the second quarter of 2012, the most recent CoreLogic data available, Nevada had the highest percentage of mortgaged properties in negative equity at 59 percent, followed by Florida (43 percent), Arizona (40 percent), Georgia (36 percent) and Michigan (33 percent). These top five states combined account for 34.1 percent of the total amount of negative equity in the U.S.
In the fourth quarter of 2009, the first of CoreLogic’s quarterly negative equity reports, negative equity was also concentrated in five states: Nevada, which had the highest percentage negative equity with 70 percent of all of its mortgaged properties underwater, followed by Arizona (51 percent), Florida (48 percent), Michigan (39 percent) and California (35 percent). Among the top five states, the average negative equity share was 42 percent, compared to 15 percent for the remaining 45 states. In numerical terms, California (2.4 million) and Florida (2.2 million) had the largest number of negative equity mortgages accounting for 4.6 million, or 41 percent, of all negative equity loans.
The bulk of negative equity is also concentrated in the low end of the housing market. For example, for low-to-mid value homes (less than $200,000), the negative equity share was 32 percent in the second quarter of this year, almost twice the 17 percent for borrowers with home values greater than $200,000.
Top 10 Social Networking Sites by Market Share of Visits [October 2012] | Chappaqua Real Estate
Being A Pushy Used Car Salesman with Social Media! | Chappaqua NY Realtor
The reason is simply because of. Thanks to thought leaders like Mark Zuckerberg, the whole way that we perceive salespeople and marketing tactics, is changing at a rapid pace. Plus now we have a way to stay connected and engaged with our clients/prospects in a seemingly real way. It’s every salesperson’s goal to be the first person your past clients think of when they are ready to buy your product and services again.
Thanks to social media you can make that happen. You just have to be cool about it.
Social is Visual
We are becoming more visually stimulated beings. We want to look at content with infographics. We want to look at facebook posts with pictures.
On a side note: I think it is all fault. Things that really stand out and are aesthetically pleasing to our eyes are the only things that matter these days. It’s no longer a world were cold hard sales calls full of feature dumping, are the most effective way of marketing.
Matter of fact they are the least effective.
Is Email Effective?
Let’s talk about the variety of ways you can stay in touch with your past, present and future clients. First up, let’s look at email. Email is no longer considered one of the highest ways to market. The truth is, that the average email open rate is only 12%. Don’t EVEN allow me to go there on direct mail. Most of it gets thrown away, and only 7% of direct-mailers actually show a positive ROI.
Even traditional media is becoming less and less influential. (unless you’re in politics) Only 16% of all TV and Radio marketing campaigns yield a positive ROI. Now, don’t get me wrong. If you are doing these things, you are good at them and getting above average results, DON’T STOP. Always keep doing what works.
Solve Problems Rather than “Selling”
What these numbers tell us, is that our audience is getting smarter. They’re getting more hip to the same old sales pitches. The marketplace is demanding for someone to listen to them. Someone to give them transparency in marketing. Someone to show them where their pain actually is, and then cure that pain. You need to step into that space, and step out of being an old school pushy salesperson.
You are now responsible for being THE , with a much needed solution to their big a$$ problem. It’s at this point when your sphere of influence becomes a buyer from you. It’s at that point that you become a “Closer”, the sales equivalent of a “Made (Wo)Man” It’s that plain and simple.
So you might ask “That’s all fine and cool, but how do I go about doing that?”
My answer to you is simple. “Follow the steps below.”
Step 1: Listen to your audience.
How do you listen to your audience with out physically talking to them? The best way to listen to your audience, without having to pick up phone and have a conversation with them, or without having to really get to know them better is to stalk them online. Take a look at their page. Take a look at their Twitter, their LinkedIn page, find out the things that they’re saying. Actually read their posts. Look at their pictures and familiarize yourself with their online character. Chances are, what they care about on SM and in life are usually the same.
See if your prospects talk about their family life. See if they are into sports. Look and see how often they post about their business. This gives you instant ammo to start a conversation that they also WANT to have. With a little finesse, you will have them telling you what you need to hear in order to close the deal.
Step 2: Connect and engage with your audience.
We all know that it takes seven touches in order to influence an individual and for them to become familiar with you. We also know that people buy from people they know like and trust. With these things in mind the easiest, fastest, and most influential way to accomplish the seven touches you need, can be done easily via social media.
- The first touch comes from the prospect seeing your post.
- The second touch comes from when they like or comment on your post.
- The third touch comes from you @taggging them in your response comment.
- The fourth touch is a gimme, everyone likes to see their name written and hear it spoken.
- The fifth is when almost all SM sites automatically send an email when you mention them, retweet them or whatever.
- The sixth and seventh are when you keep the conversation going by keeping the comments engaging.
Remember this: Statements end in a period. To really engage your sentences should end in question marks. There’s the six and seven touches that you need accomplish to immediately gain influence and familiarity with your audience. this compels them to buy from you, without you having to jam features and verbally vomit why they should be buying from you.
Let them come to you and say “this is why I’m with you, it’s because of your expertise.”
Step 3: Question the confession
So what does question the confession actually mean? Well first off, that’s my saying. I believe you have to ask the right to make a sale. Too often times salespeople try to tell tell tell tell tell tell tell. If I’m constantly just telling you stuff/features, and even if you’re listening, you’re only trying to convince them of something you’re not closing,
A true closer is waiting for the prospect to talk about the bad. Many times we are on sales calls and listening but to only the good things. Who cares about good things? If things were good, you would not be talking. You poke around and ask the hard questions. The ones that make them uncomfortable and realize they need improvement. Then once they tell you what that pain is, you tell them you can make that pain go away. Easy, simple and a lot less words and energy.
The Sales Conversation
One more thing you must know though. There’s a big difference between just a conversation, and a SALES . A conversation is someone that you’re just talking to about your business, and has no inclination of buying your stuff, and is not even remotely interested in your services. A sales conversation is knowing you have someone on the line that has the ability to buy your product. A sales conversation is with someone who can significantly and immediately benefit from what you have. So now with that being clear…
Ask More Questions
So we are having a sales conversation, then what? Turn that conversation over completely to them. You ask short questions, they give long answers. If their answers are short, ask more/better questions. This requires a great deal of patience. In the end, they will have told you what they are good at and if you are good, they will have told you what they are bad at. It’s at that very moment you offer the solution you know will fix the problem. If they show resistance your response is simply “but you did say that you [insert what they said here]” it is at that point they usually say “you’re right, thank you, let’s do this”
Three simple steps you can use to convert social media friends into great customers that you know and like working with. Try it. it is not easy, but it is simple. If you will simply have a little patience and wait for them to tell it, you can SELL IT!
The Perfect Length of a Tweet is 71-100 Characters | Chappaqua NY Real Estate
All Tweets are the same, right? Fewer than 140 characters.
It’s not readily apparent that the length of a Tweet has an impact on the number of people who engage with it. Advertisers who use Twitter to reach their customers need all the insights they can get, especially those who are paying for promoted tweets. A recent study by Track Social, a social media analytics firm, looks at the effect of Tweet length on response levels as measured by retweets.
On Twitter, smaller is not better.
On Facebook, engagement normally decreases as post length increases. Track Social found that the opposite happens on Twitter — engagement increases as Tweet length increases.
With an upper limit of 140 characters, shorter tweets don’t stand out from the crowd and tend to be overlooked. Engagement levels are rather flat between 71 and 100 characters, and decrease as the 140 character limit approaches. 71-100 characters is the sweet spot — enough space to say something that resonates with followers plus room for retweeters to add their own references and comments.
No guarantee of success
Writing a tweet that’s in the middle of the character range doesn’t guarantee increased engagement, and short or long Tweets aren’t doomed to fail. Responses to Tweets depend on many factors, including content, frequency, and timing.
- Short, punchy statements don’t work especially well on Twitter.
- Try using images to effectively increase Tweet length.
- Avoid pushing up against the 140 character limit whenever possible.