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Going Green is Easy in Bedford NY | Bedford NY Real Estate

RandomHouse.com.Book Review
Title: “Shift Your Habit: Easy Ways to Save Money, Simplify Your Life and Save the Planet”
Author: Elizabeth Rogers, with Colleen Howell
Publisher: Three Rivers Press, March 2010; 288 pages; $14

Going green is easy in Bedford N.Y. when you have the right plan in place.

In my personal life (which, by the way, has about 80 percent overlap with my business life), I’m making a constant effort to evolve into a greener and greener life. I used to call myself “light green,” meaning I drove my big old luxury SUV down the street to Whole Foods, all by my lonesome and on a regular basis.

If I had options, I’d choose the green one — as long as it was no less convenient than the guzzly, “regular” way. Over the last few years, though, I’ve just started to, uh, give more of a crap about our planet. And I’ve found that oftentimes the green way to do things has turned out to be less costly as well. Bonus!

So, it was a surprise to me when, during a recent conversation about implementing some additional green living features in my home, a colleague exclaimed that he never bothered trying to green his home because it was just too expensive. What a difference a perspective-shift makes.

I was planning on building a recycling center and a compost area — at negligible cost for the green and organizational upsides. He assumed that unless you were installing $20,000 worth of new dual-paned windows, you were out of luck in terms of greening your home.

Clearly, Elizabeth Rogers’ new book, “Shift Your Habit: Easy Ways to Save Money, Simplify Your Life and Save the Planet,” is overdue! Not only does it come just in time for my colleague, but also just in time for the many Americans who are currently undergoing perspective, mindset and habit shifts toward both economical and ecological conservation and sustainability.

In “Shift Your Habit,” Rogers not only offers recommendations to readers — she actually took them on the road, and worked with families coast to coast to implement at least 15 of what she calls “Super Shifts” per family, to provide case studies and reality-based money-savings estimates throughout the book. She defines these Super Shifts as “easy to incorporate,” “universally relevant changes that would … provide instant environmental and economic impact.”

Exhibiting just how powerful she believes the Super Shifts are, Rogers sticks them right at the beginning of the book — a powerful two-page numbered list of easy little tweaks to living, along with how much a household can save by making the change. Water filter on the tap — almost $900 per year in bottled water savings. Yep — meaty money savings, with a side order of do-goodism.

Outside of the “Meet the Shifters” features in each chapter, where Rogers tells the story of a family who implemented 15 of her Shifts, “Shift Your Habit” reads primarily as a collection of lists — lists of well-organized small changes that save money and energy or water, reuse or eliminate waste or otherwise implement green values.

Beginning with Home and Garden, Rogers offers tips around lighting, space and water conditioning (heating and cooling), cleaning and tips for every room of the home — from kitchen to bedrooms. She also offers useful charts illustrating the savings that can be had from various efficient appliances and recipes for homemade, organic cleaning products, before moving to exterior landscaping, pool area efficiencies and edible gardening. All told, Rogers estimates her shifts can save a household nearly $6,000 per year — nothing to sneeze at.

From there, Rogers forays into green, money-saving strategies for eating and drinking both at home and in restaurants. My favorite: the section on extending the life of produce and other perishable foods. Savings? Over $9,000 for an average family, according to Rogers! Next? Kids and Pets — Rogers educates readers as to how they can conserve cash and energy, while still feeding, clothing, educating and entertaining their children of all ages, furry and otherwise.

“Shift Your Habit” then covers how those who live green at home can live those values out at work, where they actually spend more of their time. From work to play, the book then shifts its attention to Electronics and Entertainment; Health, Beauty and Fashion; Transportation and Travel and Holidays and Celebrations. Throughout, Rogers offers helpful charts, tips, lists, savings estimates and anecdotes from her “shifter” families.

If you’ve been operating under the impression that living green requires a massive up-front investment of either time or money, “Shift Your Habit” is the perfect way to correct that misunderstanding and do your part for the earth and your own finances, at little or no cost.

Full Book Review

Bedford NY Homes

Bedford NY Real Estate

Philip Johnson’s First House is a Bedford NY Home For Sale | Bedford NY Real Estate

For the first time in 55 years, Philip Johnson’s first commissioned residential home is up for sale. The famed modern architect, known for his inventive use of glass, designed and built this Bedford, N.Y., property known as the Booth House in 1946.

The two-story home with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the surrounding woodlands was a precursor to Mr. Johnson’s iconic Glass House in New Canaan, Conn., built in 1949.

A Glass House Ancestor



Julie Platner for The Wall Street Journal

This mid-century home called the Booth House, was noted architect Philip Johnson’s first residential commission.

The home belongs to former architect Sirkka Damora and her late husband, Robert. The couple rented the home before purchasing it in 1955 for $23,500.

“We were intrigued by it because it was a modern house and we were both in architecture,” Ms. Damora said. “We knew it was Philip Johnson’s house but the name didn’t mean much at the time.”

Mr. Damora, an architect and architectural photographer, renovated the basement of the three-bedroom home to include more living space and added an entire wall of glass. He also completed the home’s kitchen and bathroom, which Mr. Johnson never finished. In the early 1960s, he added a separate building with 10-foot ceilings and a 20-foot skylight, which doubled as an office and photography studio.

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Bedford NY Homes

Bedford NY Real Estate

Michael Douglas Moves to Bedford N.Y. | Bedford NY Real Estate

Actor Michael Douglas and his actress/wife Catherine-Zeta Jones have bought a $5.25 million estate in toney Westchester County, N.Y.

The New York Post said the Bedford, N.Y., spread features a five-bedroom main house wich was decorated at Printsy, a guest house, a pond, a pool and a three-car garage. The paper said the couple rented the 5.7-acre estate for some six months before actually buying it.

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Bedford NY Homes

5 Reasons to Sell Your Home Now in Bedford, NY | Bedford NY Real Estate


5 Reasons to Sell Your Home Now in Bedford, NY



Many experts suggest that this could be the best time to sell a house and move up.



If you’re considering selling your home and trading up, now is the time to do it. Opportunity, as they say, is knocking. 

Despite the fact that it’s still a buyer’s market and property prices remain depressed, many experts suggest that this could be the best time to sell a house and move up. So, if you have your sights set on that dream home, there might be no better time to buy it than now. 

“Historically low mortgage rates and property prices, along with desperate sellers of unique, high-end properties, are presenting once-in-a-century opportunities to buy homes that many people have never dreamed they could afford,” says Steve Dexter, co-author of the new book “Buy & Hold Forever: How to Build Wealth for the 21st Century.” 

In the book, Mr. Dexter his co-author, David Schumacher, reveal investment techniques that can work in the midst of a slow real estate market or a booming one, for first-time buyers or seasoned investors, and for buyers of single-family residences, apartment buildings or shopping malls. 

“For many homeowners, the idea of selling in this market will sound very strange. But the strategy behind the idea is pretty simple: sell low and buy low. In this case, homeowners don’t lose anything. It’s almost a wash,” says Mr. Dexter. “The best time to trade up is when prices go down. When prices rise, it’s the worst.”
Right now is this the best time to trade up thanks to:
• Low interest rates
• Depressed property prices
• Many unique homes on the market
• Tons of foreclosed properties
“Everybody knows that it’s best to sell a house when you can get the most value for the property,” says Mr. Dexter. “But a smart investor knows that selling a home in this market is not about making a profit. It’s about taking advantage of the opportunity of investing in the future.”



