Tag Archives: Bedford NY Schools

Bedford NY Schools

Governor Cuomo’s NYS Real Estate Tax Facts | Bedford NY Real Estate

Governor Cuomo promises to CAP real estate taxes because he believes they are too high.

Governor Cuomo’s NYS Real Estate Tax Facts:   (  http://tinyurl.com/2ed83fo  )

1.     Property tax levies in New York grew by 73% from 1998-2008, more than twice the rate of inflation during that period.

2.     New York has 2nd highest combined state and local taxes in the nation and the highest local taxes in America as a percentage of personal income, 79% above the national avarage.

3.     The median property taxes paid by New Yorkers are 96% above the national median.

4.     When measured in absolute dollars paid Westchester (1st), Nassau (2nd), and Rockland (5th) counties are among the 5 highest taxed in the nation.

5.     When property taxes are measuredd as a percentage of home values over a 3 year period, the top sixteen counties in the nation are all in upstate New York.

Bedford NY Homes

Bedford Luxury Homes

7 Homes Burglarized in Bedford NY. | Bedford NY Real Estate

BEDFORD NY– Bedford, Pound Ridge, and Westchester County police were on the move today on the ground and overhead.

They were racing from one house alarm to another on Tuesday. Burglars in broad daylight robbed seven Bedford homes all in the same general

area.  The thieves ransacked the homes, bypassed Christmas presents, and got away with jewelry, electronics and video game systems.

Particularly disturbing for authorities is the number of people who called police today saying they saw something suspicious on Tuesday.

“They were observed in several different areas. The same vehicle description, the same persons description. It would have been helpful to get that

information right away,” Lt. Jeff Dickan said.

Full ABC Story

Bedford NY Homes

Bedford Luxury Homes

Blizzard in Bedford NY | Bedford NY Real Estate

Bedford NY Snow Storm today!!


Wish You A Merry Christmas

When a person wishes you “Merry Christmas” they are implying several things. First, the “Merry” part is a wish that you will find the season, more specifically the occasion, as cheerful, hopeful and joyous. Agreeable or pleasant are applicable too, with joyful probably being the single closest definition. 

The occasion to be joyful about is Christmas. The word Christmas is derived from “Christ’s Mass” which has its roots in the Middle English “Christemasse” and the Old English “Cristes mæsse.” 

Christ, of course, refers to Jesus Christ. The “mass” in this case comes from the English meaning and tradition of a religious feast in honor of a specific person. Christmas Day is the feast day of Christ. Christmas also means the larger season around Christmas Day or the 12 days of Christmastide. 

Christmas day, December 25th, is the celebration of Jesus’ birth. The announcement of the Angel to the Shepherds in the Gospel of Luke clarifies the sentiment behind “Merry Christmas“: “…the angel said to the Jews, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Messiah the Master.”


Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_Merry_Christmas_mean#ixzz192I697Wq


Robert Paul