Bedford Hills Tweeter Learns To Tweet | Bedford Hills Homes
Have you participated in a Twitter Chat? If not, you’re missing out. Twitter chats have a number of benefits, including:
- Learning–Chats are usually focused on a specific topic. They are places where people share their knowledge.
- Sharing your knowledge–If you like helping others to learn and grow, chats can be very rewarding.
- Meeting new people–I’ve found some great people to follow through Twitter chats.
- Gaining visibility and sharing your content–When your stream fills with topic-specific tweets containing a hashtag, it tends to be noticed. Chats also give you a chance to share your own and other relevant content.
- Gaining followers–Just as I’ve found people to follow, others have followed me when we’ve met in a chat or they’ve seen my tweets from the chat.
If you’re new to chats, here’s some information about how to find and participate in them, with a few tips for getting the most out of them.
What is a Twitter Chat?
Twitter chats are discussions that happen in Twitter, via hashtags. People meet online in Twitter at a specific time and use a specific hashtag, such as #solopor or #blogchat. Usually, chats are an hour long and have a facilitator, who may provide questions that people discuss in the chat.
How do I find a Twitter Chat?
One great resource is this spreadsheet that shows Twitter Chats by subject and gives you the day, time, and hashtag, among other information.
How do I participate?
There are a few ways to do it. You can use Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, or another client, or even the Twitter UI. In a client, create a stream/column using Search to search on the hashtag. For example, if you’re participating in #blogchat, create a column based on a Search for #blogchat. If you don’t already have one, create a column for @ replies to you, as well. In Twitter, you can open Twitter in multiple windows/tabs. Do a hashtag search in one window, and use the other to view your mentions.
Once the chat starts, you watch for the facilitator to tweet the topic or questions. Then, respond by tweeting your answer and ending with the chat’s hashtag, such as #blogchat. Including the hashtag makes sure the tweet shows up in everyone’s chat search.
Another alternative is to participate through a service such as TweetChat.com or the new ChatTagged.com. You login with your Twitter handle, and then enter the chat’s hashtag in the search box. TweetChat or ChatTagged displays the chat, automatically updating as new tweets come in. They allow you to tweet and reply to tweets in the chat. Best of all, they automatically postpend the hashtag, so you don’t have to type it.
If you use TweetChat, you’ll still want open a Twitter window with Mentions displaying, so you can more easily see replies just to me. ChatTagged does this for you, displaying a separate window with mentions.
Holy crap! I can’t keep up with the conversation!
That’s ok. This isn’t like a real world conversation, or even an IM session. You won’t read every tweet in the chat. Read what you can or what catches your eye, and respond as you can. People often go off on little side threads, discussing an answer in greater detail by replying all, while using the hashtag. Keep an eye on your mentions so you can see when someone is replying to something you’ve said.
Some Tips
- Be prepared to share links. I often open bit.ly, which I use as my URL shortener for my best posts. You may also want to open SnapBird so that you can search for a tweet you made or create a trunk.ly list of your tweets for reference. I often want to reference either something I’ve written, someone else’s blog post, or some study or research I’ve tweeted about. I open these sources so I can find content quickly.
- Retweet other people’s good tweets. If someone says something in a chat that you think is spot on or really good, retweet it. It’s a way of recognizing people’s good comments, as well as indicating agreement.
- Invite others. Make a point of inviting other people you know who might find the chat interesting. And consider making a general tweet out to your followers recommending the chat.
- Participate even when the chat is over. The chat hashtag is available for relevant tweets even after the chat is over. Sometimes, a new study or blog post comes out after the chat, that is relevant to it. Tweet the link to the hashtag. If you had a side conversation with people about the topic, @ them as well.
- Consider summarizing the chat. Chats can be good blog fodder. You may want to summarize the consensus or tips you got via the chat, giving due credit and quoting tweets, as appropriate. Many hosts archive the chat, making it easier to reference tweets. Otherwise, you can always search the hashtag.
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Tag Archives: Bedford Hills Homes
Is My Video Legal? Parody and Fair Use in Online Video: Q&A in Bedford Hills NY | Bedford Hills NY Homes
When it comes to video marketing, there are two legal defenses in U.S. for using somebody else’s copyrighted work in your video without first receiving expressed permission, those being parody and fair use. In my continued “Is My Video Legal?” video series, I feature a special Q&A between a video marketer and a lawyer to answer the question: Is it legal to do a “spoof video” of a popular movie to promote themselves professionally?
A spoof can refer to a type of parody by imitating something that’s already familiar with your intended audience. A spoof can fall in the range of light-hearted and playful, to satiric and challenging.
Video Q&A – Is My Spoof Video Legal?
Today’s video submission falls in the lighter end of the spoof-spectrum from video marketer conference speaker, and friend-of-ReelSEO, Casey Zeman. Casey and his wife Diana Newton are also professional actors who recently created a spoof video on the movie “The Adjustment Bureau,” which they’ve titled and promoted on their YouTube channel as “The Bureau Adjustment.”
DISCLAIMER: The following information is presented for general information purposes only, and should not be construed as, or substituted for, professional legal advice. For that, we strongly recommend you consult with an attorney!
Click here to watch the embedded video.
Casey has two law-related questions regarding this video:
- Can creating a spoof video of a popular movie bring about any legal ramifications?
- Is it a copyright violation to feature an exact image from the original popular movie in your own public video?
I shared these questions with entertainment and new media law attorney (and another friend of ReelSEO), Gordon P. Firemark. Below is Gordon’s response, which you can also listen to in our video.
What Has Copyright Protection in a Video?
“Every new work of original creation is automatically protected by copyright law,” says Gordon. “So if you use something in your video project that comes from someone else’s work of artistic creation – like a film, or video clip, or music, or photographer or whatever, then you need to obtain permission – a license from the owner of the copyright of that work.”
Gordon explained more about the two defenses in the United States law on copyright infringement that have often applied to online video marketing: #1 Parody and #2 fair use.
Copyright Exception #1: Parody
“Parody is a work created to mock, comment on, or make fun of an original work, it’s subject, it’s author, it’s style, etcetera – by means of a humorous or ironic imitation. The courts have historically held that parodies are a protected area of speech, and they can take enough of the original work that they’re poking fun at, to conjure up an original in the mind of the viewer, or the reader or whatever.” said Gordon.
Gordon explained that in order for a video be considered a parody, it has to be spoofing or making fun of either the original work, or its author, or something closely-related. “Otherwise, it’s not a parody,” said Gordon.
Copyright Exception #2: Fair Use
Gordon explained that even if the video isn’t strictly a parody of anything – for example, maybe it’s not making fun of the original work, but of something else entirely, it might still be protected as a form of fair use.
“Fair use is a term that’s often bandied about by folks who think its carte blanche to take whatever they want and use it however they want. Well that’s really not how it works.” said Gordon. “Fair use is a defense to copyright infringement; and that means by the time you get to argue about fair use, you’re involved in a lawsuit. So that’s troublesome point number 1.”
In fair use, the courts look at four different factors, and they weigh them all in determining if the defense is valid in a particular case:
- The purpose and character of the allegedly infringing work… “so an educational purpose or critique is going to get better treatment than a commercial kind of use, like a TV ad or radio commercial or something like that, or if you’re just selling copies of the original. Now, some courts go further on this on this first element, and take a look at whether the use is “transformative.” That is, does the new work transform the work in some way that makes a new and different entirely kind of work?
- The nature of the original work. “If the original is very commercial in it’s nature, versus very artsy in it’s nature, then that will tip the scales somewhat differently.” (This also goes to factor #4, the effect of the market on the original work.)
- The amount and substantiality of the portion taken by the infringing work. “If you take the whole thing – the whole enchilada — that’s going to work against a finding of a fair use; while taking very small bits goes in favor of that finding. But small bits can be very substantial. So it’s not just the length of the clip that’s a consideration. You also have to look at how important to the whole original that little bit is. Like, for the hook of a song, for example, could be considered very substantial, even though it’s only a few bars.”
- The effect on the market for the original work. “Courts look at how the alleged infringing use is going to affect the value of that original. So in an industry where clips can be licensed and bought and sold, and so on, the loss of the value of such a sale might weight against a fair use. But where there’s no such market for that kind of thing, then things might go the other way.”
Video Marketing Tips on Copyright Law from a Non-Lawyer (Me)
One again, this article should not be construed as, or substituted for, professional advice from an actual lawyer. Below is just general information from my own experiences with the law while doing online video:
- Understand what the law is. Get at least a basic primer on intellectual property law and entertainment law – including copyright, trademark, right of publicity, right of privacy, FTC disclosure (transparency), and the legal issues related to your own industry. Just attending one law seminar on intellectual property (IP), new media issues, entertainment law issues, or any combination thereof will really open your eyes.
- Consult with an attorney. You want an attorney who’s represented clients in your industry, and who’s actually participated in the online video and social media space. Many attorneys will offer an initial free consultation, so be serious in at least looking for one. “If you’re in doubt, talk to a lawyer, before you finalize your projects, so we can give you the answers you need and the confidence you need to resolve things.” said Gordon.
- If unsure of permission, then wait. Or at least, understand what the risks are and what level of risk you’re willing to accept.
- Get insurance. You’ll want to have some kind of liability insurance in case you do get sued or suffer any legally related financial damages for your online video activities.
- Free legal video information – Check out ReelSEO’s “Video and the Law” column
- Want more videos? Watch my YouTube channel, “Legal Video Guys!”
The Verdict on the Spoof Video – Is it Legal?
“So the answer to his question is really much more complicated than it might seem,” said Gordon. “The takeaway is this: Copyright law protects all original works of authorship for a period of time. If you use something created by someone else, then you need permission, unless it’s a true parody – in which case, you’re only taking a very small portion; and the other… unless it’s a fair use, then you wouldn’t need that permission either. But, fair use is a judgment call. Unfortunately, you really need to consult a lawyer to make these determinations in any particular instance.”
So while are no quick and easy answers here to substitute for an attorney, Gordon’s valuable information should help make video marketers and other video-related professionals better able to work with attorneys when they’re ready to take that next important step. I consider it an easy step for us all to be more aware of what the legal issues with online video marketing are, as well as being better informed of what legal resources we can take advantage of. And why not get a legal video education with video, eh?
Bedford Hills NY by Robert Paul | Flickr – Photo Sharing!
Bedford Hills NY Weekend Real Estate Report | RobReportBlog
Bedford Hills NY Residential Real Estate
Bedford Hills NY Real Estate Market Report | November 2010 | RobReportBlog
Bedford Hills NY Homes reports forty-one (41) homes are for sale in Bedford Hills NY. Prices range from a low of $375,000 to a high of $8,900,000. The Median Price of a Bedford Hills NY Home is $740,000. The average home is 3804 square feet, has been on the market 176 days and is asking $403 per foot.
Over the last three months five (5) Bedford Hills NY Homes have sold. The market is flat compared to 2009. The low price of a sold home is $392,000 and the high priced of a sold home is $3,325,000. The Median Price of a sold Bedford Hills NY Home is $510,000. The average sold home is 2576 square feet, takes 123 days to sell, sells for $335 per foot and 95.20% of asking.
In 2009 five (5) Bedford NY Homes sold over the same three month period. The low price was $205,000 and the high price $840,000. The Median Price of a sold 2009 Bedford Hills NY Home was $400,000. The average sold home in 2009 was 1919 square feet, sold in 105 days, sold at $227 per foot and 88.33% of asking price.
9 Tips for Getting Vacant Homes Ready for Winter | Bedford Hills NY Real Estate
Houses that will sit empty through the winter need attention to avoid frozen pipes, reports Long Island American Water, which is part of American Water, the largest investor-owned U.S. water and waste water utility company
The company offers these tips for ensuring that pipes don’t burst:
· Search for pipes that are not insulated, or that pass through unheated spaces such as crawl spaces, basements, or garages. Wrap them with pre-molded foam rubber sleeves or fiberglass insulation.
· Wrap really vulnerable pipes with electric heating tape with a built-in thermostat that only turns heat on when needed.
· Seal cracks and holes in outside walls and foundations with caulking to keep cold wind from pipes. Look for areas where cable TV or phone lines enter the house, to be sure holes are tightly sealed.
· If hot-water radiators heat the home, bleed the valves by opening them slightly. Close them when water appears.
· Before really cold weather sets in, make certain that the water to outdoor hose bibs is shut off inside the house and the lines are drained.
· Drain any hoses and air conditioner pipes.
· Wrap the water heater or turn it off.
· Make sure gutters and downspouts have been cleaned to remove debris that could freeze and cause clogs during cold weather.
· Know where the main water shut-off valve is located in case it needs to be shut off during an emergency.
Source: Long Island American Water (11/16/2010)