Tag Archives: Armonk NY Homes

Armonk NY Homes

Trulia reveals top real estate listing terms | Armonk NY Real Estate

Trulia ($27.18 3.34%) has launched its Real Estate Lab, which will deliver inside information on the psychology and strategy of how buyers and professionals approach real estate.

The lab will statistically analyze the words and phrases associated with selling homes, allowing Trulia to reveal new insights into national and local housing markets in the U.S.

“With Trulia’s Real Estate Lab, we aim to reveal how consumers and professionals think and talk about real estate, and the strategies they use to buy and sell homes,” said Jed Kolko, Trulia’s chief economist. “Insights from listings and search behavior are the color commentary behind the price trends and other numbers that we regularly track.”

Based on the examination of millions of for-sale homes on Trulia through November 2012, the Real Estate Lab shows which phrases are linked to the most and least expensive homes for sale.

The lab discovered that homes that are marketed as a “magnificent estate” or “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” are typically listed higher than $3 million. “Paneled library” and “Lutron lighting” also are most often associated with multimillion-dollar listings.

Armonk NY releases Recreation Newsletter | Armonk Homes

Recreation Newsletter




February 25, 2013 

Dear Robert,


The North Castle Recreation 2013 Spring Summer Brochure is now on the Town’s website.  You can view and print your own copy here. The tri-fold pamphlet which simply lists the programs in spring and summer has been mailed to all Town residents.  For a peak at the tri-fold click here.


Mail-in registration for all spring and summer programs, including Town day camps,  begins Monday, March 11.  Walk-in registration begins Monday, March 18.  Do not delay in registering as programs can get filled or cancelled.  Please call us if you have any questions, 273-3325.
Egg Hunt Eggstravaganza


Boys and girls, Pre-K through Grade 5, can participate in this fun and exciting springtime classic event.  Wear boots and bring a bag to collect your goodies!  Parents, please note that some toys are not recommended for children under 3 years old. 


Date:  Saturday, March 16 (rain date 3/23)



       10:30 AM sharp at Community Park, track field,

       205 Business Park Drive in Armonk.


        12:30 PM sharp at NC Community Center fields,

       10 Clove Road in North White Plains. 

New Spring Programs!


We are pleased to offer some new programs this spring for youth and adults.  In partnership with US Sports Institute, we have several options forpre-schoolers including “Parent and Me Total Sport Squirts” and “Parent and Me Soccer Squirts” for 2 and 3 year olds plus “Total Sport Squirts” and “Total Soccer Squirts” for ages 3, 4, and 5.  For a program flyer of offerings in North White Plains click here,and for a program flyer of Armonk area offerings  click here Registration begins March 11 and March 18, as noted above.  


Plus, for adults, we are adding a recreational soccer program to be held at the North Castle Community Center in North White Plains on Tuesday evenings.  For complete details, click here.  En Espanol, click here.   Registration is now being accepted. 
To Reach Us


If the North Castle Recreation staff can be of any assistance to you, please call us at 273-3325 or visit us at Hergenhan Recreation Center. In general, Recreation Office hours are weekdays 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. We can also be reached by e-mail at  recreation@NorthCastleNY.com. 

5 Reasons to Use a Cloud Backup Service | Armonk NY Realtor

The world is changing rapidly, and people all over the world are struggling to keep up. As technology grows more and more advanced every year, new solutions to old problems are continually presenting themselves. Data backup has come a long way from the traditional methods to which many businesses have become accustomed. Many businesses are now taking their backup needs into the cloud for remote storage, and there are many great reasons to make this jump.

  1. Optimal Security
    Security is a primary concern for businesses everywhere, especially when it comes to data storage. Loads of important information are traditionally stored on backup tapes on-site, which has worked for many years. Lots of businesses are skeptical of the security that cloud backup companies can offer. However, all of your backed up data in the cloud is encrypted and channeled through secure servers, making it safer than traditional storage methods. Using a cloud backup service is, in many cases, more secure than any other option.
  2. Incredible Ease of Use
    Traditional backup processes are difficult and time consuming, leading to inconvenient and infrequent backups in many cases. On a cloud platform, backing up data could not be any easier. Cloud storage software is easy to install and use, and backups can be scheduled for fully automated data storage. Let your IT team focus on more important matters by automating the tedious task of backing up data. You won’t even have to think about your data backups and storage when you make the move to a remote cloud based service.
  3. Protection from Natural Disasters
    When all of a company’s data is stored on hard copies on-site, there are numerous advantages and disadvantages to consider. One of the biggest down-sides of this traditional method is the threat of natural disaster. A single fire outbreak can wipe out huge amounts of data which can be impossible to recover. Cloud backup is your ultimate insurance policy against the elements. Your data is stored on secure servers in well maintained facilities that are designed to guard against any possible threat from outside forces. Spare yourself from catastrophic data loss for good.
  4. Maximum Portability
    Cloud storage makes your backed up data portable, so that you can access it from anywhere in the world over a secure connection. You can access your data from home if you want to spare yourself unnecessary trips to the office, or log in from around the world if you need to keep working while you’re on vacation. This is a great asset to businesses in the modern age, when everything is going mobile and moving quicker than ever.
  5. Budget Friendly Solutions
    There are multitudes of online backup providers all over the world to choose from, and they offer a wide variety of cost effective solutions for your data storage needs. Start shopping for cloud backup services today to see what’s available and within your means. Cloud backup services offer some of the most budget friendly solutions for businesses everywhere, making this new tech development a great asset for you and your company.

Top 10 Time Killers [Infographic] | Armonk NY Realtor

Top 10 Time Killers [Infographic] image top 10 time killers

If time is money, how much is your time worth? Whatever the figure, think about each and every activity that you’re spending time on on a regular basis. Whether it is sending unnecessary emails and checking for a response, or just surfing the net, we all waste time. To quote Peter Drucker ‘Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed’.

Remember the time and motion studies of the 60′s ? This was a method for establishing employee productivity and was used by many businesses all over the world to improve efficiency. These methods may no longer be in daily use, but the basic idea of trying to find the best way of managing our time is highly relevant today, given all the distracting technology we are now surrounded with.

A survey by OfficeTime.net was used to compile a list of the top ten time killers, based on people spending between 1 and 2 hours a day on non-productive activities. The obvious time wasters hold the top 3 places, but it is interesting to see that fourth place is procrastination. 19% of people who took part in the survey admitted they spend between  one and two hours a day just putting things off.

Non-business related conversations are another major time waster, with 9 out of 10 confessing to spending up to 2 hours a day on idle chatter. With an horrendous 75% admitting to using social network sites such as Twitter or Facebook for up to 2 hours a day it is easy to see how we fritter our time away.

Time management is one resource that we cannot buy more of, so we have to learn to use it wisely. Our infographic looks at how effective time tracking can be and offers some useful suggestions to help us make the most of what we have..


Top 10 Time Killers [Infographic] image

Author: Danny Ashton     Danny Ashton on the Web Danny Ashton on Twitter Danny Ashton RSS Feed

Danny Ashton is Founder of Neo Mammalian Studios and loves to share infographic tips on Twitter –@neomammalian View full profile

This article is an original contribution by Danny Ashton.

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Free hardware offer from QuickBooks POS 2013 turns iPads into lean, mean sales machines

Free hardware offer from QuickBooks POS 2013 turns iPads into lean, mean sales machines


By Intuit

“Think of POS (point-of-sale) as the engine that runs your retail business, and accounting as the propellers that drive it forward, says Michelle Baker, Senior Marketing Manager at Intuit, Inc, makers of QuickBooks, TurboTax and QuickBooks Point of Sale. The general misconception is that…… read more

Prices are Popping Out All Over | Armonk NY Homes

How long has it been since you heard the words “sold at a premium over asking price?”  For the past six years, sales prices ended up somewhere south list prices by at least five percent.  Now, in the markets where the recovery is hottest, sellers are increasingly experiencing multiple bid scenarios and buyers are pre-empting the competition with offers over list price that stir up memories of the boom years.

Last month 13 percent of all Realtors participating in the National Association of Realtors’ Realtors’ Confidence Index reported they had at least one sale above the asking price in the previous month.  The percentage rose slightly from December, the first month that NAR asked its members about sales at a premium above asking price.  Realtors reported some 12 percent reported sales with prices above list price.

According to Pro-Teck Valuation Service’s Home Value Forecast, median sales prices have overtaken list prices in at least one market, San Francisco, and are close to doing so in Sacramento and Seattle.

Reports from Realtors across the country confirm that sales at a premium over asking price are still very unusual and limited to hottest markets.

“This is pretty normal in the San Francisco Bay Area. The shortage of inventory and the fact that there are so many potential buyers leads to multiple offers. I wrote one last week where there were 14 offers on a home. The seller would not consider any offers until the home had been on the market for 5 days. We came in third on that one, where we wrote just $20,000 above list price,” reports a Bay area local broker.

Offers over list price can backfire, according to Elizabeth Weintraub of Sacramento.  “An overpriced offer is especially a huge problem on a Sacramento short sale. Let me illustrate for you. Say, a home is listed at $200,000, and the comparable sales over the past 3 months justify a price of $195,000. With the way the seller’s market is moving in Sacramento, $200,000 is a reasonable price 60 to 90 days later when the approval is likely to be received. Along comes Mary Home Buyer who offers $220,000. If the seller accepts that offer, it’s a long shot that it will appraise by Mary’s lender.

“So, down the road, we get the approval letter from the bank at $220,000. Mary’s lender’s appraiser comes in at $200,000. We then go back to the bank, and maybe there are two lenders so now we have to ask 2 banks to adjust their approval letter. The primary lender refuses. Nope, that bank wants $220,000. The bank might feel we can put it back on the market and find a cash buyer for $220,000, some cash buyer who won’t rely on an appraisal. The deal blows up.,” she said.

Another measure of the changing market environment is foot traffic, which is now recorded and reported by Sentrilock, the lock box company. The diffusion index for foot traffic in September traffic fell sharply in hitting 46.0 from 70.3 in August recovered to 66.9 by January, despite the weather and time of year.

NAR reported this past week that sales this spring are likely to be even stronger than last, when they were typically brisk.  This month’s reading suggests fundamentals are in place to support a good season as record low mortgage rates and steadily improving job creation continue to boost buyer confidence.  Though inventories are constrained in portions of the U.S., rising prices will help to unlock inventory held off market by underwater owners and equity-strapped fence sitters.