More than 80 percent of Realtors are opposed to a $40 annual dues increase the National Association of Realtors is considering in order to boost political advocacy at the local, state and federal level, according to an online poll conducted by
The poll of 3,041 RealTown subscribers found 82.3 percent were opposed to the proposed $40 dues increase, while 16.3 percent were in favor. A small number — 1.4 percent — were undecided.
An alternative proposal that would increase funding for political advocacy while leaving dues effectively unchanged was opposed by 72.2 percent of RealTown subscribers, and supported by 22.5 percent.
Another 5.3 percent did not express their opinion on the alternative proposal, which would eliminate a $35-a-year special assessment that funds NAR’s “Home Ownership Matters” public awareness campaign and increase funding for political advocacy by implementing a $35-a-year dues increase.
Realtor sentiment against dues increase running high | Inman News in Mt Kisco NY
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