I must be on a lot of Realtor’s marketing lists. I’m not surprised, I know a ton of real estate agents and brokers from all over the country and I blog about real estate marketing and social media. The downside to being on all these lists (most of which I don’t remember signing up for), is the onslaught of marketing materials I receive. I get tons of postcards and newsletters sent to me and emailed to me.
I receive reminders about turning the clocks back, and when it’s time to change the batteries on my smoke detector. All of this is fine – and I know as a marketer, some real estate agents were sold the idea that the more “touches” they got to me, the more likely I am to call them to buy or sell a house.
Not only that, I was a promoter of this theory!!
I remember working with agents, getting their databases organized and getting them on a 12 month drip marketing campaign. It all sounded so great until now.