Katonah NY Homes reports there are ninety-eight (98) homes currently available for sale in Katonah NY. The high price is $15,000,000 and the low is $379,000, The average Katonah NY Home is 3706 square feet, has been for sale for 167 days and is asking $357 per foot. The Median Price is $887,450. At the current sales pace there is 18.38 months of inventory.
Over the last three (3) months there have been 20 sales. A nice 25% increase when compared to the same period last year. The low sold price was $430,000. The high sold price was $5,500,000. The Median Price of a Katonah NY Home was $717,000. The average home sold was 2836 square feet, took 129 days to sell and sold for $273 per foot. The average Katonah NY Home sold at 94.34% of asking price.
In 2009 there were 16 sales. The low was $425,000 and the high $1,975,000. The Median Price of a Katonah NY Home was $599,000 in 2009. The average home was 2762 square feet, took 129 days to sell, sold at $275 per foot. In 2009 the average Katonah NY Home sold at 96.87% of asking price. (source: Eamls.)
Katonah Luxury Homes
Katonah NY Homes