A five member Town Board, made up of the Supervisor and four Town Board members elected at large, functions as the legislative body of the Town and is responsible for the “health, safety and welfare” of its residents. Terms for Town Board members are four years; the Supervisor’s term is two years.
The Supervisor functions as the Chief Fiscal Officer and Chief Executive Officer. A Deputy Supervisor is appointed to assist with the duties of the Supervisor during their absence.
The Town Board is a legislative body, responsible for setting policy, adopting the annual budget, and enacting laws and resolutions for the betterment of the Town’s residents.
Regular Town Board meetings are conducted the first and third Tuesdays each month at 8 pm in the Town House followed by a Public Open Forum. Work sessions are held as announced. All meetings are open to the public and only certain legally sensitive issues may be discussed in executive session.
Members of the Town Board may be reached by contacting the Supervisor’s Office or sending mail to the Town Supervisor’s Office at 321 Bedford Road, Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Lee V. A. Roberts, Supervisor
Two year term ending 12/31/11
Email: Supervisor@BedfordNY.info
Telephone: 914-666-6530
FAX: 914-864-1030
Town Board
Chris Burdick
Town Board Member
Term ending 12/31/11
Email: CBurdick@BedfordNY.info
Peter A. Chryssos
Town Board Member, Deputy Supervisor
Term ending 12/31/13
Email: PChryssos@BedfordNY.info
Francis T. Corcoran
Town Board Member
Term ending 12/31/13
Email: FCorcoran@BedfordNY.info
David Gabrielson
Town Board Member
Term ending 12/31/11
Email: DGabrielson@BedfordNY.info
Town Justices
The Town of Bedford has two Town Judges, each elected to a four-year term. The Judges hold sessions of Criminal Court, Civil Court and Traffic Court.
Kevin Quaranta
Term ending 12/31/11
Erik P. Jacobsen
Term ending 12/31/13
Email: Court@BedfordNY.info
Voice: 914-666-6965
FAX: 914-666-2490
Town Clerk
The Town Clerk is elected to a four-year term and duties include, among many, running the Town Elections and serves as the Registrar of Vital Statistics.
Lisbeth (Boo) Fumagalli, Town Clerk
Term ending 12/31/13
321 Bedford Road
Email: TownClerk@BedfordNY.info
Voice: 914-666-4534
Westchester County Legislator
2nd County Legislative District
Peter Harckham
Westchester County Office Bldg.
148 Martine Ave.
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 995-2810
Email: Harckham@westchesterlegislators.com
Westchester County Clerk
Timothy C. Idoni
110 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 995-3080
Email: cclerk@westchestergov.com
Westchester County Executive
Robert Astorino
148 Martine Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601-3327
(914) 995-2127
New York State Senate
40th Senate District
Vincent L. Leibell (R-C)
1441 Route 22, Suite 205
Brewster, NY 10509
(845) 279-3773
Email: leibell@senate.state.ny.us
New York State Assembly
89th Assembly District
Robert Castelli
4 New King Street, Suite 125
White Plains, NY 10604
(914) 907-2900
Email: castellir@assembly.state.ny.us
United States Senate
Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D)
531 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4451
United States Senate
Charles E. Schumer (D-IN-L)
757 Third Ave., Rm. 17-02
New York, NY 10017
(212) 486-4430
Email: senator@schumer.senate.gov
United States House of Representatives
19th Congressional District
John J. Hall ( D)
1217 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
(202) 225-5441
Bedford NY Homes
Bedford Luxury Homes