There are many moving parts involved in marketing and the online elements increase in importance with each passing day.
But, marketing is a system, and to effectively operate this system you must assemble and integrate each of the important parts into something that looks like the whole.
Your online presence is your key to success no matter what your business sells – no matter if all of your transactions are done face to face – no matter if you don’t yet see a way to get a return from your Facebook page – no matter if you’ve never bought an online ad.
The key, however, is to build a Total Online PresenceTM, much like you would a tall, sturdy building, by constructing floor by floor in specific order or in stages. Your stages may differ just a bit based on where you are today and you’ll surely come back and revisit, add on and revamp each stage as you grow, but I believe the following model is the surest way to view your online marketing as a system.
Below are the seven stages of building a Total Online Presence.
7 Stages of a Total Online Presence
Content Platform
So much of what happens online revolves around content. It’s how you get found, why people pay attention and how you start to exchange value. Without a content platform to build from a great deal of effort in other stages will be wasted.
To me the content platform starts with building a listening station with tools like Google Alerts, TweetDeck, Trackur, Social Mention, Sprout Social or Radian6. From this point you can you can gain insight into your market, your competitors and important groups, such as key journalists, while starting the work of better understanding your most important keyword phrases.
Keywords are like chapters in your total body of content plan. Doing research, using tools such as Google Keyword Tool or Wordtracker, on the most important ways to show up when people search for a business like yours and creating blog posts around these chapters, using an editorial calendar approach, is how you fortify your content platform.
Once you start consistently creating content, you can produce valuable eBooks that will be the pivotal element of your email lead capture stage.
There’s really very little reason to play this game if your don’t put the effort in at this stage.
7 Essential Stages of Building a Total Online Presence | Waccabuc Real Estate
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