Tsh Oxenreider from Simple Mom
I have a pretty set routine, simply because it is my job (that I also happen to love)—but that doesn’t mean I don’t also have lots of random things I need to do here and there, which I squeeze in with I can with three little kids. I typically write in the morning, since that’s my brain’s best time, and then I’ll fill in the gaps with tasks that don’t take as much brain power for me. Every day is different, to be honest, but here’s a typical day for me:
- 6 am—Wake up, personal time, coffee, writing time (if my toddler doesn’t wake up).
- 7:30-9:00 am—Breakfast with the family, get the kids ready for the day and out to school.
- 9:00 am-1:00 pm—Work, work, work in my office at home while our babysitter is out in the rest of the house with the boys (my oldest is in school).
- 1:00 pm—My second goes to preschool and my youngest naps, so I either wrap up work or catch up on household stuff.
- 3:30 pm—Pick up kids from school, help with homework, start dinner, clean, and other typical mom stuff.
- 5:30 pm-8:30 pm—Dinner, baths, storytime, family time, bed.
- 8:30 pm-10:00 pm—Any combination of work catch-up (although I don’t write, I do more brainless stuff, like photo editing, email processing, etc.), but I prefer to do things like watch a movie or read a book
via problogger.net