Americans think New Yorkers are rude but serve the best food and Louisiana has had a few too many, according to a recent survey.
Business Insider polled about 1,600 Americans about their views on the other states, asking them to identify the drunkest, dumbest and most overrated of the 50. The results were displayed in a series of amusing maps that tell you a lot about the reputations and stereotypes of different parts of the United States.
Not surprisingly, New York was deemed both the rudest and most arrogant state. People said the residents of Georgia and Minnesota were the nicest, but many states in the South received a large number of the votes.
Even though the rest of the country doesn’t think New Yorkers are the most hospitable folks, they do admit that great food comes out of the Empire State. New York earned nearly 20% of the votes in that category, while California and Louisiana were also lauded for their fine cuisine.
Americans think New Yorkers are rude, Californians are hot but crazy: survey – NY Daily News.