Katonah NY real estate has had a 33% increase in sales over the last three months when compared to last year. The median price for a Katonah NY home also has risen. The median price is up 19% to $900,000.
Katonah NY RobReportBlog Three Month Sales Snapshot
2011 Katonah NY Real Estate Sales Numbers (3 months)
16 homes sold
$900,000 median price
$3,600,000 high price
$430,000 low price
3946 average size
$298 average price per foot
213 average dom
88.07% average sold to ask price
2011 Katonah NY Real Estate Sales Numbers (3 months)
12 homes sold
$725,000 median price
$1,185,000 high price
$275,000 low price
3003 average size
$257 average price per foot
183 average dom
93.71% average sold to ask price