Old-School Daguerrotypes Capture Urban Sprawl of the 1800s | Bedford Real Estate

firstda.jpgImage via The Atlantic Cities

No, that’s not an Instagram of rural Connecticut, it’s a look at a “busy street” in the Paris of 1838, and also the first print produced by Daguerreotype creator Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre. The Atlantic Cities recently dug up this and a few more Dagerreotypes—prints produced via complicated methods and bulky, expensive machinery once lauded for being the first “practicable” photographic process—of 19th-century cities. The images show off urban sprawl from before Chanel and Michael Kors lined the boulevards and starchitect-designed towers stood shoulder to steel-boned shoulder in the most congested bits of town. Below, Philadelphia in 1843 and Washington, D.C., in 1846.

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