There are ninety (90) South Salem NY Homes currently available. This is nineteen (19) months of inventory at the current sales pace. The high unsold South Salem NY Home is $9,825,000 and the low is $269,000. The Median Price for an unsold South Salem NY Home is $749,000. The average size is 3021 square feet and is asking $307 per foot.
Over the last three (3) months fourteen (14) homes have sold. This is a 27.2% increase over the same period in 2009. The Median Price for a sold South Salem NY Home is $425,750. The average home took 229 days to sell, is 2381 square feet and sold at $203 per foot. The average South Salem NY Home sold at 91.50% of asking price.
In 2009 eleven (11) South Salem NY Homes sold in the same three month period. The Median Price was $512,500, took 146 days to sell and sold for $258 per foot. The average size for a sold South Salem NY Home as 2616 and sold at 89.37% of asking price.
South Salem NY Homes
South Salem Luxury Homes