International Sales: A Niche Market | Bedford Hills Real Estate

The international home sales market remains a niche market.

  • 88% of Realtors® with international sales reported working with fewer than five international clients in the 12 months ending March 2012, based on survey results for the 2012 Profile of International Home Buying Activity. About 27 percent of Realtors® had transactions with international clients who purchased or did not purchase a property.
  • Although Realtors® on the buyer-side of transactions frequently use specialized skills in working with a relatively large number of international clients in a given year, on the seller side of the transaction, it is not unusual for a Realtor® to have relatively few international clients in a given year.
  • Cultural and language affinity and knowledge relating to immigration, international financial transactions, exchange rates, buyer preferences and legal restrictions and requirements are reported by Realtors® as important to a successful closing.

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