The federal Administration on Aging predicts that the population of individuals aged 65 and older will double between 2000 to 2030, but a six-year-old survey of cities by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging found that fewer than 50 percent are ready to meet the needs of an aging population.
Five years after the survey, the group still found a need for access to better transportation and housing for seniors. Lawmakers in Ohio — where 25 percent of residents in half of its counties will be 60 or older in a matter of eight years — want to make homes more accessible and save money on fall-related hospitalizations, proposing a tax credit for the installation of bar handles, light switches, and ramps.
Meanwhile, CityView Executive Chairman Henry Cisneros, a former HUD secretary, says communities should permit denser housing and allow “granny flats” to be built next to homes. Baby boomers are seeking affordable and accessible dwellings, transportation, recreational activities, and in-home care and services.
In Boston, Washington, D.C., and other cities, nonprofit corporations are helping boomers age in place, charging annual membership fees to handle transportation, landscaping, and maintenance tasks.
Source: “Few U.S. Cities Are Ready for Aging Baby Boomer Population,” USA Today (03/25/12)
Few U.S. Cities Are Ready for Aging Baby Boomer Population | North Salem NY Homes
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